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Philippines, Lourdes Manlungat-Rudolph was born there on March 3, 1951. She completed her studies as an elligible Teacher and as a Programmer in her native country.She immigrated to Germany in 1976. She was able to learn the German Language with much energy and diligence autodidactically and associated much with the German-speaking citizens. She was appointed in 1978 as an Interpreter. Subsequently authenticated and registered thru administering an oath from the President of Superior Court in Kiel and the Regional Court of Appeal in Schleswig. Appointed since then, as Simultaneous Interpreter on judicial hearings and interrogations, likewise testifying authentications and performing civil ceremonies. She has a good command of two further Dialects: Pangasinan and Ilocano (out of 87 different Dialects), aside from German Language, English Language and the Philippine National Language Tagalog.
The idea to this specially skilled Book was already made since 1978, started in five Languages which she mastered. She was working ever since, in these Manuscripts and was putting her experiences all these years as an Official Interpreter and Translator with an authorization from the Government to authenticate Translations, into this Edition, which was gradually completed.
The mother of three children is an enthusiastic singer in a Country Music Band "Crossroad" in Kiel. She traditionally maintains the Philippine Culture through Folk Dances like "Tinikling"-dance with Bamboo poles, with Filipina friends.