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These pages should be an assistance to all my Filipino Countrymen who are living worldwide. Everybody who plan to travel to the Philippines or just keep in touch with Filipinos, you'll find here interesting contributions; everything about and from the Philippines, let's say about the country and its Folks, Culture, and many more. It is a guide to my countrymen who are living abroad, for tourists who are travelling to the Philippines.
A lot of my Philippine countrymen who are living in German speaking places, or they wanted to live there in the future. I offer herewith my asistance, in order to overcome language barriers, or sometimes the translations documents of vast government-used of language.
As an Official Translator / Interpreter of the Higher Court in Kiel, I had the possibility to translate your documents, Transcript of Records, Birth Certificate, Decree from Court, judicial letters, letters, even E-Mails, SMS, practically everthing!
Also by Marital Ceremony, negotiation of contracts, court proceedings, hearings of witnesses and the likes.